In September 1, 2020, Fol:in, the web magazine for the start up company, released the interview article about EXCELLO Co., Ltd
이 스토리는 <한국의 VC : 블루포인트파트너스와 3인의 창업가> 의 2화입니다
3줄 요약
100만년 전 시작한 구석기 시대 인류가 뗀석기를 사용하기까지 50만년이 걸렸습니다. 원시 인간은 돌을 쪼개서 날을 도구로 사용해야겠다는 생각을 50만년 동안이나 못한 것이죠. 사람이 관성에 젖어 사고의 쳇바퀴에 빠지면 이런 간단한 아이디어조차 떠올리지 못합니다. 폭 넓은 사고와 발상의 전환은 혁신의 원동력입니다. 융합적 사고와 끊임없는 도전 정신은 창업자들에게 가장 중요한 덕목이고요.
룩셈부르크에 폴워스(Paul Wurth)란 회사가 있습니다. 제철소에서 쓰는 고로(Blast Furnace: 쇳물을 만드는 대형 로)를 비롯한 주요 설비를 엔지니어링 하는 회사로 150년의 역사를 자랑하죠. 글로벌 제철소들은 모두 이 기업이 설계하고 있습니다. 고로는 뜨거운 열과 압력을 가해 선철을 만들기 때문에 크기가 크고 열풍·송풍·냉각로 등 구조가 복잡합니다. 물론 튼튼해야 하고, 이물질이 섞이지 않도록 정교해야 합니다. 폴워스는 제철소 고로와 주요 설비 엔지니어링 부문에서 세계에서 가장 앞선 기술과 노하우를 가졌습니다. 매년 공정관리 개선과 신기술 개발에 수천억씩 쏟아붓고 있죠.
그런 폴워스가 "왜 이제껏 이렇게 간단한 생각을 못했지?"라고 놀란 국내 창업 팀이 있습니다. 2016년 창업한 엑셀로가 그 주인공입니다. 엑셀로는 고로 안의 내화물의 상태와 온도를 측정할 수 있는 기술을 개발했습니다. 고로 안쪽은 항상 고온·고압 상태이기 때문에 내부 내화물이 손상되기 일쑤거든요. 그렇다고 고로의 불을 끌 수 없으니 상태를 파악하기가 쉽지가 않습니다. 교체주기도 기술자들의 경험에 의존할 수밖에 없죠. 제 때 교체하지 못하면 폭발 가능성도 있습니다. 이 때문에 매년 막대한 내화물 교체 비용이 발생하죠.
엑셀로는 어떻게 이 문제를 풀었을까요? 많은 기술자들이 고로 안에 전자 센서를 부착할 방법을 고민하는 사이, 엑셀로는 내화벽 사이에 철망을 심어 쇳물의 전기신호를 포착하는 단순한 모델로 주변을 깜짝 놀라게 했습니다.
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EXCELLO was selected for the 2021 ASEIC Online Incubation Program
On 30th August 2021, EXCELLO was selected for the 2021 ASEIC Online Incubation Program EXCELLO has been selected for the 2021 Luxembourg V-SGBC online incubation program hosted/supervised by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, ASEIC, Luxembourg Trade & Investment Korea, and Luxinnovation. This program is a project that provides information on the market in Europe to selected companies for about...
JETRO decided to support EXCELLO
On 10th August 2021, JETRO decided to support EXCELLO Recently, according to the growth potential of EXCELLO (CEO Sebastian Park), the Japan Trade Promotion Organization (JETRO) decided to support the provision of information services for three years to strengthen the business engine in Japan. With respect to the interest of Japanese companies toward EXCELLO, JETRO plans to encourage EXCELLO&rsquo...
EXCELLO was granted ‘Inno-Biz’ certification
EXCELLO was granted ‘Inno-Biz’ certification on 27th July 2021 EXCELLO (CEO Sebastian Park) acquired “Inno-Biz” certification. ‘Inno-Biz’, a compounded word of ‘innovation’ and ‘business’, is a certification system granted to technologically innovative SMEs that have secured a competitive advantage by strengthening technological different...
EXCELLO was selected as a beneficiary of “Post TIPS”
EXCELLO was selected as a beneficiary of “Post TIPS” On 1st July 2021, EXCELLO was selected for “Post TIPS” start-up company-linked fund program. “TIPS” is a project that aims to increase the success rate of technology start-ups and foster global star ventures through government funding, such as R&D and commercialization. Companies, finishing “TIPS&rdq...
‘EXCELLO’ signed on Partnership Agreement with Global Steel Equipment Manufacturer ‘SAB’
‘EXCELLO’ signed on Partnership Agreement with Global Steel Equipment Manufacturer ‘SAB’ EXCELLO Co. Ltd has announced the partnership agreement with SAB, the global steel equipment manufacturer. Through the partnership, EXCELLO plans to grow up as a leading IoT application company in the field of extreme environment business. Extreme environment industry businesses...
EXCELLO, the IoT technology start-up for Extreme Environment equipment, has successfully launched its Series A investment. EXCELLO Co. Ltd has announced the completion of Series A investment news to the public on Thursday, the 13th. EXCELLO is a start-up, developing advanced IoT technology applicable to Extreme Environment equipment. Five different institutional investors including, IBK(Industrial...
Meet-Up Program In 19th October, 2020, EXCELLO Co., Ltd selected participant company for Meet-up Program. Meet-Up Program is the program for scale up of AI and Smart Factory Solution Startups and supported by Ministry of SMEs and Microsoft.
Online IR Demo-day for Startup 100 Candidate Company
Online IR Demo-day for Startup 100 Candidate Company In 21st October, 2020, EXCELLO Co., Ltd presented in Online IR for Material, Parts, Equipment Startup 100 Program hosted by Ministry of SMEs
150년 유럽 기업도 못푼 문제, 철망 하나로 해결하다
In September 1, 2020, Fol:in, the web magazine for the start up company, released the interview article about EXCELLO Co., Ltd 이 스토리는 <한국의 VC : 블루포인트파트너스와 3인의 창업가> 의 2화입니다 3줄 요약 제철소의 핵심 설비인 고로(Blast Furnace: 쇳물을 만드는 대형 로)는 2000도의 온도의 1만t의 압력을 견뎌야 합니다. 핵심 설비임에도 디지털화가 되지 못한 이유입니다. 엑셀로는 고로 안의 내화물과 외...
IoT technology to withstand extreme steelworks In these days, we can open car doors and operate household appliance with smartphones. However, the steel mill is a marginal place for IT. Because of the high temperature of molten Irons and the small metal particles being blown away, there are very few high-tech devices to withstand. EXCELLO rolled its arms to the modernization of the steel mill. EXC...
Signing Ceremony on the Joint Development of Technology for Measurement of Residual Rate of Blast Furnace Refractories On Sept. 26, POSCO and EXCELLO held a signing ceremony to jointly develop technology to measure residual rate of Blast Furnace Refractories. Through this joint technology development, POSCO and EXCELLO aim to identify data such as accurate Residual Conditions and Molten Iron Erosio...
EXCELLO has Released Marketing Brochure and Comics
In March 2019, EXCELLO has released marketing brochure and comic book. Each brochure and comic book contains information of IRS. These brochure and comic book will help EXCELLO’s future clients to understand the technologies.
In 12 November 2018, EXCELLO Co., Ltd was selected as the Alternative Military Service Providing Company for the Technology Researchers. R&D employees who have not completed mandatory military service, are now able to complete the military service while working in EXCELLO.
EXCELLO Co., Ltd presented in Bluepoint Demo Day
In 5 September 2018, EXCELLO Co., Ltd attended Bluepoint Demo Day as the speaker. Sebastian Park, CEO of EXCELLO, presented IRS (Intelligent Refractory System) Technology and EXCELLO’s Business. The Bluepoint Demo Day is annual event held by Bluepoint Partners, and 1,200 audiences attended this year event.
EXCELLO Co., Ltd established Research & Development Institution.
In 10 May 2018, EXCELLO Co., Ltd established Research & Development Institution. This R&D Institution has been recognized as the Research & Development Institution of EXCELLO by Korea Industrial Technology Association.
Luncheon with Luxembourg Ambassador
EXCELLO participated Luxembourg Ambassador’s Luncheon in December 14, 2017. Luxembourg Ambassador to Korea and Japan, Beatrice Kirsch, and Honorary Ambassador, Young Chul Hong (CEO of KISWIRE) had joined the luncheon to share their business opinions and to have business network with 20 businessmen who have business relationship with Luxembourg.
EXCELLO Will Present IRS in Luxembourg IoT Security Challenge. 04. Oct. 2017
EXCELLO will present IRS with ICTK PUF Chip in The Luxembourg IoT Security Challenge on Oct 4th, 2017. As the Semi-Finalist of the Competition, EXCELLO will Present IRS and its security system via On-Line. The Presentation includes playing YouTube video clip and verbal presentation. You can check the YouTube video clips in below URL.
Investment Related R&D Supportive Fund supports the most promising startups with innovative ideas and groundbreaking technologies to succeed in their industries.
TIPS (Accelerator Investment-Driven Tech Incubator Program for Startup) is designed to identify and nurture the most promising startups with innovative ideas and groundbreaking technologies. In order to support them when entering the global marketplace, it appoints and designates successful venture founders – who are now angel investors and leaders of technological enterprises – as the...
Signing ceremony in Luxembourg
Exclusive agreement(EXCELLO & PAUL WURTH S.A) 29. May. 2017